Counter Strike 2 @ Lan ETS 2025

BYOC Premium

2nd Place

$ 700

1st Place

$ 1350

3rd Place

$ 450


Name Status
Buck Nasty
Canadians in Pyjamas
Dans ta Yeule
Deux Mains Esports
Durham Lords Esports
Exion Gaming
Kooking Esports
Les Ptits Jus
max est cut


1 General

1.1 General Information

  • Each player must join the Discord ([]) and frequently monitor their tournament announcements before and during the tournament.
  • Each player must read, understand, and agree to the ETS Lan Tournament Participation Rules. Players agree and consent to these rules, as well as the authority of Lan ETS to enforce them, as a condition of their participation. Each player is therefore bound by the rules, and any breach of them will result in punitive measures.
  • Each player on the team must have a BYOC ticket.
  • Each player must be physically present at Lan ETS to participate in a tournament.
  • Each player must play with their main account throughout the tournament. No smurfing is allowed.
  • Each team must have an appropriate name. Any team attempting to register for a tournament with a name deemed inappropriate will be asked to create a new team name in order to participate.
  • Each member of the team must be present in the channel assigned to their team name during their matches.
  • All tournament administrator decisions are final.

-The team that wins a cash prize IS RESPONSIBLE for providing their personal information for the transaction of their share to a member of Lan ETS. If the team does not provide the necessary information, they will not be able to access it.

1.2 Obeying instructions

Instructions given by the tournament administration should always be obeyed and followed. Failure to do so may result in penalties being awarded.

1.3 Code of conduct

Every participant has to behave with respect towards the representatives of Lan ETS, press, viewers, partners and other players. The participants are requested to represent esports, Lan ETS, and their sponsors honorably. This applies to behavior in-game, on TeamSpeak and also in chats, messengers, comments and other media. We expect players to conduct themselves according to the following values:

  • Compassion: treat others as you would be treated.
  • Integrity: be honest, be committed, play fair.
  • Respect: show respect to all other humans, including teammates, competitors, and event staff.
  • Courage: be courageous in competition and in standing up for what is right.

Participants must not engage in harassment or hate speech in any form. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Hate speech, offensive behavior, or verbal abuse related to sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, or religion.
  • Stalking or intimidation (physically or online).
  • Spamming, raiding, hijacking, or inciting disruption of streams or social media.
  • Posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”).
  • Unwelcome sexual attention. This includes unwelcome sexualized comments, jokes, and sexual advances.
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.

Violation of this Code of Conduct will result in penalties. In the case of repeat or extreme violations, penalties may include disqualification and/or banning from future Lan ETS events.

1.4 Rule changes

Lan ETS reserves the right to amend, remove, or otherwise change the rules, without prior notice. Lan ETS also reserves the right to make judgments on cases not specifically covered by the rulebook in order to preserve the spirit of fair competition and sportsmanship.

1.5 Definitions

  • Tournament Administrator: The person in charge of your tournament. You can find out who your tournament administrators are by looking at the Discord roles.
  • Tournament Platform: The website where you registered to join the tournament. Most often on Toornament.
  • Team: A group of players who participate in the tournament as a unit. If the tournament is played solo, the team or captain refers to the player.
  • Match: A single confrontation between two teams.
  • Series: A contest between two teams over multiple matches. The number of matches depends on the phase of the tournament.
  • Team Captain: The captain is the leader of the team. He must be an example by his behavior on and off the field of play.
  • Substitute: A person who can replace a player in case of an emergency or technical problems.

1.6 Schedule

  • The tournament will run from March 7 to 9, 2025.
  • The team captain and/or team leader must report to the administration table on Friday, March 7 before 10:59 pm EST to confirm their presence. After 11:00 pm EST, registrations will be closed.
  • The tournament will start on Saturday, March 9, 2025 at 9:00 am EST. It is your responsibility to contact the opposing team captain to start your games as soon as possible.
  • Each team is responsible for being aware of their schedule at all times and being ready to play their match on time. If a team is not fully present and ready to play 15 minutes after the scheduled time, a penalty will be automatically applied to the team.
  • The schedule must be respected. Schedule changes are at the discretion of the tournament administrators and will be announced to the players.
  • The Grand Final on stage will start at 11:30 am EST until 2:15 pm EST.

-The team that wins a cash prize IS RESPONSIBLE for providing their personal information for the transaction of their share to a member of Lan ETS. If the team does not provide the necessary information, they will not be able to access it.

2 Offenses

2.1 Cheating

2.1.1 Cheat software

Any use of software that could be considered cheats is strictly forbidden. The tournament administration reserves the right to specify what is considered a cheat.

2.1.2 Information abuse

  • Communication during the match with people not involved in the match is strictly forbidden; the same is true for using information about your game from other external sources (e.g., streams).

2.1.3 Punishments for cheating

When cheating during an event is uncovered, the result(s) of the match(es) in question will be voided. The participant will be disqualified, forfeit their prize money, and be banned from all competitions in Lan ETS for a duration of normally 5 years. This duration can be lower if significant mitigating factors are in play, but also higher if there are aggravating circumstances.

2.1.4 Methods to detect cheating

Lan ETS reserves the right to use different methods to inspect participants and their equipment, with or without prior notice. Participants are not allowed to refuse these inspections.

2.1.5 Use of bugs and glitches

The intentional use of any bugs, glitches, or errors in the game is forbidden. It is at the tournament administration’s discretion as to whether or not the use of said bugs had an effect on the match, and whether or not they will award rounds, or the match, to the opposing team, or if they will force a rematch. The usage of the following bugs is strictly forbidden. If any bug used is not listed here, it is at the tournament administration’s discretion whether or not a punishment is necessary:

  • Moving through clipped areas where the movement is not intended by the design of the map (any walls, ceilings, floors, etc.).
  • The bomb may not be planted in a location where it cannot be defused.
  • Planting the bomb in such a way that no one can hear the beeping sound, or the planting sound.
  • Pixel walking. A player is considered to be pixel walking if they sit or stand on invisible pixels on the map, where there is no visible edge.
  • Disrupting any map features with the use of items (e.g., stopping the train on Overpass).

It is recommended to check with tournament administration whether or not a certain bug or glitch is considered illegal.

The following bugs are explicitly allowed:

  • Defusing the bomb through walls and items, etc.
  • Covering the bomb with objects in the map or graffiti spray.
  • Using graffiti spray to track the bomb timer.
  • Silent drops.
  • So-called “surfing” on tubes.
  • Molotovs that spread through terrain.
  • So-called “infinite” grenade distance throws.

The tournament administration reserves the right, retroactively or otherwise, to add more bugs to the list of explicitly allowed bugs.

2.3 Competition manipulation

Offering money/benefits, making threats, or exerting pressure towards anyone involved with Lan ETS with the goal of influencing the result of a match is considered competition manipulation. The most common example is offering your opponent money to let you win.

2.4 Punishments for competition manipulation

When attempted competition manipulation is uncovered in Lan ETS, the result(s) of the match(es) in question will be voided. The participant will be disqualified, forfeit their prize money, and be banned from all competitions in Lan ETS for a duration of between one and two (1-2) years. A fine is also possible.

2.5 Match fixing

Using any means to manipulate the outcome of a match for purposes that are not sporting success in the tournament in question is considered match fixing. The most common example is intentionally losing a match to manipulate a bet on the match.

2.6 Punishments for match fixing

When match fixing is uncovered in Lan ETS, the result(s) of the match(es) in question will be voided. The participant will be disqualified, forfeit their prize money, and be banned from all competitions in Lan ETS for a duration of normally 5 years. This duration can be lower if significant mitigating factors are in play, but also higher if there are aggravating circumstances. A fine is also possible.

2.7 Public behavior

All participants shall abstain, at all times, from poor, undesirable, or negative behavior towards anybody involved with the competition in any way. All participants shall abstain, at all times, from any action or inaction that brings anybody involved with the competition in any way into public disrepute, contempt, scandal, ridicule, or harms the public relations or commercial value of any involved party. This includes derogatory comments aimed at Lan ETS, its partners, or products in interviews, statements, and/or social media channels.

2.8 Insults

All insults occurring in connection with Lan ETS will be punished. This primarily applies to insults during a match but also on any Lan ETS owned or affiliated platforms. Insults on messenger programs, email, or other means of communication will also be punished if the evidence is clear. Particularly severe abuse cases with radical statements or the threat of physical violence can result in significantly heavier penalties including the exclusion or disqualification of the participant. Depending on the nature and severity of the insult, the penalty will be assigned to the player or to the team.

2.9 Spamming

The excessive posting of senseless, harassing, or offensive messages is regarded as spamming by Lan ETS. Spamming on any Lan ETS owned or affiliated platforms will be punished depending on the nature and severity of the offense.

2.10 Damaging or soiling

Participants taking action that could or does result in damage or soiling of rooms, furniture, equipment, or similar items will be fined. The fine will be based on the cost to restore the item to its original state, handling efforts to fix the issue, and damaged reputations with third parties or the public.

2.11 Unsportsmanlike behavior

For an orderly and pleasant game, it is essential that all participants have sportsmanlike behavior. The most important and common offenses are listed at paragraph 1.2. However, the tournament administration may assign penalties for not explicitly listed types of unsportsmanlike behavior.

2.12 Misleading tournament administration or players

Any attempts to deceive opposing players, the tournament administration, or anyone else related to Lan ETS may be penalized minor to major penalties, at the administration’s discretion.

3. Penalties

3.1 Bans/suspensions

Bans or suspensions may be given for very severe incidents. They can be awarded either to a participant or an organization.

3.2 Disqualification

In the most severe cases of rule violations, participants may be disqualified from the event. Disqualified participants forfeit all prize money accumulated for the competition in question. Furthermore, the organization and its members get banned until the end of that competition.

3.3 Additional methods of punishment

In special cases, the tournament administration can define and implement other methods of punishment not directly outlined in the Lan ETS Ruleset.

3.4 Punishments for repeat offenses

All punishments outlined in this rulebook are applicable for first-time offenses. Repeat offenses will usually be punished more severely than listed in the appropriate section of these rules.

3.5 Withdrawal of prize money

As long as the prize money for the competition has not been paid out, Lan ETS reserves the right to cancel any pending payment if any evidence of fraud or foul play is discovered.

3.6 Leaving during an event

If a participant leaves during an ongoing event (i.e. between qualifier and the main event, between two stages of qualification or even between accepting the invitation to a qualifier and the qualifier), the participant forfeits all prize money accumulated for the event, fines, relegations and other penalties may be imposed and all its members may be banned until the end of the main event.

3.7 Leaving an event during the playoff stage

A team is considered to have left the event if they forfeit an elimination match during the playoff stage. If a team forfeits before the first round of the playoffs, they will be replaced by the next highest ranked team from the previous stage of the tournament, when possible. If a team forfeits during a later elimination round of the playoffs, the participant will be given a final placing as if they had lost in the previous elimination round, only earning the prize money or rewards from that placing.

3.8 Match start

3.8.1 Punctuality in offline matches

Players are expected to arrive at their designated tournament area no later than fifty (15) minutes before their scheduled match start time, unless otherwise explicitly stated by the tournament administration. Coaches are expected to arrive at their designated tournament area no later than thirty (10) minutes before their scheduled match start time, unless otherwise explicitly stated by the tournament administration. If a participant knows that they will not be on time to their tournament area, they must notify the tournament administration at the earliest point possible. Mitigating circumstances and attempts to inform Lan ETS about the lateness and minimize its impact may be taken into account when applying penalties. It is the participant’s responsibility to monitor the tournament schedule, and any announcements made about changes to it, in order to avoid lateness.

3.8.2 Not being punctual for an offline match

On the first occasion that a participant fails to arrive at their designated tournament area within the first ten (10) minutes of their expected arrival time, they will receive a warning. If the lateness continues beyond the scheduled match start time, or if an issue occurs as a result of the late arrival of the participant which delays the match start time such as not yet being ready to play, a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled start time of the match will be tolerated. At that point, the participant will be considered a no-show.

3.8.6 Participants not showing

If a participant is not ready to play by 15 minutes after the scheduled start of the match, they are considered a no-show. In that case, the participant will be penalized on top of any penalties accumulated for not being punctual for the match. The tournament administration can decide to award (partial) default losses in the case of a best of series, or disqualify the participant. After a second 15 minute period the opponent will be rewarded with a full match series win. In mitigating circumstances, the match may be rescheduled when appropriate, if the schedule allows it.

3.9 Match protests

3.9.1 Definition

A protest is the official communication between the parties and an admin to report problems that may have affected the outcome of an official match, or are in the process of affecting them for ongoing matches.

3.9 Match protests

3.9.2 Match protest rules

Protests must contain detailed information about why the protest was filed, how the issue came to be, and when it occurred. A protest may be declined if proper documentation is not presented. Only one representative per team is supposed to be involved in the protest process. Insults and flaming are strictly prohibited during a protest and may result in penalties or the protest being ruled against the insulting party.

3.9.3 Deadline for match protests

The deadline for when participants are allowed to issue a match protest is the earliest of the three following:

  • Twelve (12) hours after the scheduled starting time of the match
  • The beginning of the next match for either of the two participants (a minimum of ten (10) minutes has to be kept between matches by all participants)
  • Only at offline events - the end of the event day (departure of the tournament administration team)

3.10 Rule changes

Lan ETS reserves the right to amend, remove, or otherwise change the rules, without prior notice. Lan ETS also reserves the right to make judgments on cases not specifically covered by the rulebook in order to preserve the spirit of fair competition and sportsmanship.

4 Rosters

4.1 Lineup

Teams have to submit their lineup for offline and online events before the deadline given by tournament administration.

  • The lineup must contain five (5) starter players
  • In addition, the lineup may contain a single coach and up to two (2) substitute players for the event

All players and coaches will be considered part of the lineup, even if they have not participated in any of the matches. Any changes to the roles of participants submitted during the roster submission process (e.g. starter being moved to substitute, and vice versa) are considered an addition. Where a team does not have the maximum number of substitutes registered (2), the registered coach may be used as a substitute player.

4.2 Roster submission deadline

The final roster that will be used at the event has to be reported before the deadline given by the tournament administration for that event (usually the morning of the second day of the event). The roster must contain five (5) starters, up to two (2) substitute players if applicable, and one (1) coach if applicable.

4.3 Emergency additions

Where a team is rendered unable to field a full lineup as a result of a serious and unexpected emergency, the right to make an emergency addition request exists, as long as supporting evidence can be provided. All emergency addition requests and supporting evidence will be evaluated by the tournament administration on a case-by-case basis.

All emergency addition request decisions will be made at the tournament administration’s discretion.

4.4 Substitutions in offline competitions

Participants are allowed to substitute players between maps in a series or between matches. Any changes to the starting lineup for the upcoming map have to be reported to the tournament administration after the map veto or immediately after the end of the previous map, whichever is later.

Substitutes will be required to set up right after the end of the preceding map and will not receive additional time to set up.

4.5 Age restriction

All participants of an event must be sixteen (16) years of age at the time of the first mandatory day of the competition.

4.6 Sponsor restrictions

Sponsors or partners that are solely or widely known for pornographic, drug use, other adult/mature themes and products or otherwise which could harm esports/Lan ETS’s reputation are not allowed in connection with Lan ETS.

4.7 Player details

When requested, players are required to send us all requested information including, but not limited to: full name, contact details, date of birth, address, game account and photo.

4.8 Nicknames

Players are only allowed to use their own official nicknames - without any additions - during Lan ETS matches. Every player that has officially registered their nickname with Valve for sponsored events is required to use the same nickname for all Lan ETS matches. Players that have not registered their nickname for Valve sponsored events may request a nickname change by emailing the tournament administration team. All nicknames must be in line with the Lan ETS Code of Conduct. Lan ETS may reject nicknames that include political, religious or offensive matters or sentiments, as judged by Lan ETS.

4.9 Game account

Participants may be required to submit game account information during the roster submission process. Where a participant has submitted a game account for a past event and wishes to use a different game account, they must resubmit their game account information. Unless specifically allowed by the tournament administration prior to the start of a match, participants may not use a different game account to the one submitted for the event.

4.10 Team Names

Team names may not have any extensions such as “CS team”. They may only consist of the team name and, if allowed, a title sponsor. Lan ETS reserves the right to shorten team names where necessary or appropriate. All team names must be in line with the Lan ETS Code of Conduct. Lan ETS may reject team names that include political, religious, or offensive matters or sentiments, as judged by Lan ETS. Teams whose names are shared with that of a brand, company, or website must follow the same guidelines as listed in Title Sponsors.

4.11 Changes to the Team or Roster

Any changes to the team or roster must be approved by the tournament administration before the changes are allowed to be implemented. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Adding or removing players
  • Changing the team name

5 Match Broadcasting

5.1 Rights

All broadcasting rights of Lan ETS are owned by Lan ETS. This includes, but is not limited to: IRC bots, shoutcast streams, video streams (e.g. POV-streams), GOTV, replays, demos, or TV broadcasts.

5.2 Waiving These Rights

Lan ETS has the right to award broadcasting rights for one or multiple matches to a third party or the participants themselves. In such cases, the broadcasts must have been arranged with the Lan ETS Broadcast team before the start of the match.

Participants are allowed to stream their own PoV (except in final), as long as they add a reasonable delay to their stream to avoid any issue such as Stream hack.

5.3 Participant Responsibility

Participants cannot refuse to have their matches broadcast by Lan ETS-authorized broadcasts, nor can they choose in what manner the match will be broadcast. The broadcast can only be rejected by the tournament administration. The participant agrees to make sufficient accommodations so that the broadcasting of matches can take place.

5.4 Voice Communication & Recording

The voice communication tool used by Lan ETS is TeamSpeak and Discord. Communication during matches is limited to the five players on the server and one coach. Additional personnel may join the communications channel but must be purely passive listeners (i.e. muted at all times). Participants must provide details of a TeamSpeak server when requested, as well as provide full access to tournament administration. Participants will be held accountable for the appearance of the TeamSpeak servers they provide, and any inappropriate behavior, language, or content hosted there may be penalized. Lan ETS reserves the right to enforce the use of one of their servers.

Lan ETS reserves the right to record all communication during the matches. The tournament administration may join the TeamSpeak channel thirty (30) minutes before the start of the match and will start recording the communications fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the match.

5.5 Replacements

If a participant is, for any reason, unable to compete anymore in the event, a replacement will be called up. Usually, competition groups or brackets will not be reseeded if they were already publicly announced before the dropout happened. In special cases, when the fairness of the competition is in jeopardy, the tournament administration can still change or even redraw the competition.

Replacement participants will be considered and contacted to ask whether or not they want to participate.

6 Configs and Drivers

6.1 Configuration Files

All configuration changes are allowed as long as they do not give an unfair advantage comparable to cheating. A player or team may be penalized for disallowed settings in any config file, regardless of if it is in use, or even stored in the game folder in question. Participants are required to contact the tournament administration if they are unsure of the validity of a command and its value.

All participants may be asked to send in their configs and list of required drivers (software names and version numbers) by the tournament administration before the event. If any participant doesn’t send in their configs and drivers, they may have to manually set up their config on-site and play with default drivers. The team will not receive additional time to set up their config manually.

Submitted config folders may include:

  • CS2 Convar Configs:
    • SteamuserdataYOUR_ID730localcfgcs2_machine_convars.vcfg
    • SteamuserdataYOUR_ID730localcfgcs2_user_convars_0_slot0.vcfg
  • CS2 Key Bind Config:
    • userdataYOUR_ID730localcfgcs2_user_keys_0_slot0.vcfg
  • CS2 Video Settings:
    • userdataYOUR_ID730localcfgcs2_video.txt

6.2 Warmup Maps

Only the Steam workshop maps ‘CSStats Training Map (CSGOHUB)’ and ‘Aim Botz - AimTraining (CS2)’ are available on the tournament image. No other maps will be added upon player request.

6.3 Scripts

Contrary to Valve official stance on scripts (Where all scripts are banned no matter what they are), all scripts are illegal except for buy, toggle (e.g. on/off, 0/1), weapon & grenade quick switching. Participants may be penalized for forbidden scripts in any config file, regardless of if it is in use, or even stored in the game folder in question. Examples of allowed scripts:

Weapon & grenade quick switching, e.g.: alias "+flash" "slot3" alias "-flash" "slot7" bind "c" "+flash" Crosshair size toggle, e.g.: alias "+crosshairchange" "cl_crosshairsize 1000" alias "-crosshairchange" "cl_crosshairsize 2" bind "p" "+crosshairchange"

6.4 Graphics Drivers

Any modification or changing of the game using external graphics solutions or other 3rd party programs are strictly prohibited and

6.5 Overlays

All kinds of overlays which will show the usage rate of the system in any way in-game (e.g. Discord overlay, Rivatuner Overlay) are forbidden. Overlays which show only the frames per second (FPS) are not forbidden and can be used.

6.6 Custom Data

Players are not allowed to use any form of custom game files during their official matches. CS skins are allowed to be changed, but “Agent” player skins are forbidden. Any other changes including, but not limited to, modification of sprites, radars, HUDs, and scoreboards are strictly forbidden.

6.7 Device Drivers

Using device drivers to pre-install/pre-script illegal macros on the participant’s devices (keyboards, mice, sound cards) is forbidden and may be punished as cheating.

6.8 In-Game Item Nametags

Participants are not allowed to use name tags which violate the code of conduct on in-game items.

7 Match Procedures

7.1 Number of Players

All matches have to start with five players per team (5vs5), no other combinations are allowed. If a participant fails to show up with enough players, the match will be counted as a no-show. If a player disconnects during an ongoing round, the current round will be finished. If the map is not over at that point, the game should be paused until the player can return or be replaced by a substitute. If the original player is unable to return and no replacement can be brought in, the team has the choice to forfeit the series or to continue it with four players. If a participant would have to play on with less than four players, the opposing participant will receive a default win.

7.2 Match Breaks

Participants will have at least a 10-minute break between matches and 8 minutes between maps in a best of three (Bo3) and best of five (Bo5) match. In Bo5 matches, teams will also get a break of at least 20 minutes between maps 3 and 4. The exact length of these breaks will be communicated by the tournament administration.

7.3 Match Interruptions

If a match is interrupted for reasons beyond the control of the participants (e.g. server or player crash), the tournament administration will restore the round using CS's backup & restore feature, but in some scenarios, as detailed below, may decide to replay the round or even a whole match:

  • If the issue takes place before any damage or significant gameplay has occurred, and the opponent or referee has been immediately notified, the round will be restored.
  • If the issue takes place during a round and after damage has been made, and the outcome of the round can still be determined (e.g. a single player has dropped but others remain), then the round will not be replayed or restored. The round will continue to be played and will count. Special exceptions can be made if the damage dealt was ruled insignificant e.g. accidental teammate damage dealt at the start of the round or if the damage dealt was by the team that was affected by the crash.
  • If the issue takes place during the round, after damage has occurred and the outcome of the round cannot be determined (e.g. due to server crash), the match will be restored to the beginning of the round.
  • If the issue takes place during the round, after damage has occurred and the outcome of the round is obvious (e.g. one team is saving with 10 seconds remaining), but it cannot be continued due to, for example, a server crash, then the round can be awarded to the team that was likely to win that round. Matches will not be stopped and/or rounds will not be restored or replayed in cases where it is clearly a participant's fault (e.g. mis-buying a weapon).

7.4 Reconnecting

Participants are not allowed to reconnect during the live round. If they encounter a technical issue that requires a reconnect, they should pause the game, state the reason and only then reconnect. If a participant has crashed during the round, they should wait until the round is over and paused before reconnecting. Any breaches of this rule will result in at least one (1) penalty point being awarded. Joining the wrong team on the server when reconnecting is strictly forbidden.

7.5 Map Selection Procedures

7.5.1 Map Pool

The competition will be played on the current competitive map pool (Valve Active Duty Map Group) which consists of the following maps:

  • Anubis
  • Inferno
  • Mirage
  • Nuke
  • Dust 2
  • Ancient
  • Train

7.5.2 Best-of-One (Bo1) Matches

The better seeded team decides whether they will be Team A or Team B. Team A starts the process and the order of the ban/pick is as follows:

  • Team A removes one map.
  • Team B removes two maps.
  • Team A removes two maps.
  • Team B removes one map.
  • The remaining map will be played.

The starting sides on the map are determined by a knife round.

7.5.3 Best-of-three (Bo3) matches

The better seeded team decides whether they will be Team A or Team B. Team A starts the process and the order of the ban/pick is as follows:

  • Team A removes one map.
  • Team B removes one map.
  • Team A picks one map.
  • Team B picks one map.
  • Team A removes one map.
  • Team B removes one map.
  • The remaining map is played as a decider, if required.

Every team decides the starting sides on the map choice of their opponent. The starting sides on the last map are determined by a knife round.

7.5.4 Best-of-five (Bo5) matches

The better seeded team decides whether they will be Team A or Team B. Team A starts the process and the order of the ban/pick is as follows:

  • Team A removes one map.
  • Team B removes one map.
  • Team A picks one map.
  • Team B picks one map.
  • Team A picks one map.
  • Team B picks one map.
  • The remaining map is played as a decider, if required.

Every team decides the starting sides on the map choice of their opponent. The starting sides on the last map are determined by a knife round.

7.5.5 Best-of-five (Bo5) matches with advantage

The team coming from the lower bracket decides whether they will be Team A or Team B. Team A starts the process and the order of the ban/pick is as follows:

  • Team A removes one map.
  • Team B removes one map.
  • Team A picks one map.
  • Team B picks one map.
  • Team A picks one map.
  • Team B picks one map.
  • The remaining map is won by default by the team with advantage.

Every team decides the starting sides on the map choice of their opponent. The starting sides on the last map are determined by a knife round.

7.6 Determining the “better seed”"

Whenever a clear seeding can be given, one participant will be declared the “better seed”. This participant then has the choice of who starts the map-veto process.

  • In online qualifiers, the tournament seeding (see round one of the upper bracket) determines who has the better seed.
  • For preliminary stages (e.g. Play-In or Conference), a clear seeding will be implemented and it will remain valid for the duration of that whole stage
  • For group stages, a clear seeding will be implemented and it will remain valid for the duration of that whole stage. Where a group stage is preceded by a preliminary stage, the results of that stage will be taken into account during the group draw
  • For any other competition format, if a clear seeding is implemented (e.g. in the bracket draw), it will remain valid for the duration of that whole stage (excluding the grand final)
  • In playoffs that follow upon a previous round that gave a clear ranking, the participant that had the higher previous round ranking is considered the “better seed” until the grand final. Where a “better seed” cannot be established, a coin toss will be used to determine it.
  • In a single elimination grand final and a double elimination final with no map advantage, a coin toss is used to determine the “better seed” team. In a double elimination final with a map advantage, the team coming from the lower bracket is considered the “better seed”

If a case is not covered here or still unclear for any reason, contact the tournament administration.

7.7 Warm-up period

A warm-up period of thirty (30) minutes is normally provided before an offline match, although this period may not be guaranteed. Any time spent away from the tournament area during this thirty (30) minute period will still be considered as part of the warm-up period.

7.8 Match settings

The following match settings will be used for tournament matches:

  • Rounds: Best out of 24 (mp_maxrounds 24)
  • Round time: 1 minute 55 seconds (mp_roundtime 1.92)
  • Start money: $800 (mp_startmoney 800)
  • Freeze time: 20 seconds (mp_freezetime 20)
  • Buy time: 20 seconds (mp_buytime 20)
  • Bomb timer: 40 seconds (mp_c4timer 40)
  • Overtime rounds: Best out of 6 (mp_overtime_maxrounds 6)
  • Overtime start money: $12,500 (mp_overtime_startmoney 12500)
  • Round restart delay: 5 seconds (mp_round_restart_delay 5)
  • Break during half time for Challenger level tournaments and above: 3 - 4 minutes
  • Break during half time in overtimes: disabled
  • Prohibited items: none (mp_items_prohibited "")

7.9 Match server

Matches are played on servers provided by Lan ETS. For open qualifiers hosted on the FACEIT platform, teams veto server locations before each match. For all other online tournaments, server locations are selected by the tournament administration. Teams are required to check all necessary game aspects (including skins, bugs on load etc.) and network components (latency and server variance) at least 15 minutes before scheduled match start. Failure to do so, and to let the match start, will mean that both teams have accepted the state the map and the server is in,and the match might be continued under these conditions.

7.10 In-Game Chat

Usage of the in-game chat during the match is limited to communication with the tournament administration only. Any sort of advertisement or unrelated comments are not allowed before or after the match. Penalties may be applied if the in-game chat function is used to the goal of annoying the opponent or interrupting the flow of play. Pre-match communication with opponents is only allowed in a respectful manner.

7.10.1 Coach Communications

Participants are allowed to have their registered coach behind them during their official matches. During the match, the coach will be connected to the voice communication system and will only be allowed to talk to the players during tactical pauses and half times. The coach is not allowed to communicate in any other way including, but not limited to, shouting or non-verbal communication (e.g. touching) with players outside of the specified time windows.

Any coach found to be in breach of the communications restrictions outlined in this section will receive a warning from the referees. This warning stays in place for the duration of the event. If this rule is breached again, or the first instance is severe enough, the coach will be ejected from the game and forfeits their right to coach for the remainder of the match. The administration team will pause the match for the duration of the removal and this pause is considered to be equal to a technical pause for communication purposes. Teams may be given a preemptive warning in case they are considered repeat offenders. In case of a preemptive warning, the first incident will result in the coach being ejected. An ejected coach cannot be replaced. Warnings are logged by the tournament administration and may be reviewed for sanctioning purposes.

If the incident has clearly and relevantly impacted the game, the consequences for the coach and/or the team will be accordingly more severe.

7.12 Usage of Pause Function

The pause function can be used at any time, but it will only come into effect during freezetime (immediately if used during freeze time, else at the beginning of the next freeze time).

7.13 Technical Pause

If a participant has a problem that prevents them from playing on, they are allowed to use the pause function. The technical pause function can be called by typing “.tech”. The participant has to announce the reason for the pause before or immediately after they paused the match. During a technical pause, headsets have to stay on. Unless the tournament administration specifically instructs the participants otherwise, any form of communication including, but not limited to, text, voice or any form of non-verbal communication between players and coaches is strictly forbidden during a technical pause.

7.14 Timeout

Each participant is allowed to invoke a timeout of thirty (30) seconds up to three (3) times in regulation rounds per map. Timeouts can be called by participants via the in-game vote system (ESC -> Call Vote -> Call Tactical Timeout). Participants are allowed to take all three timeouts at once by calling them all individually once the previous timeout expires. If a map reaches overtime (OT), all remaining timeouts will be removed and each team will receive one (1) timeout to be used in that OT (OT1) period. If the map progresses to another OT (OT2), the same process will happen - any remaining timeouts will be removed and each team will receive one (1) more timeout. Banked timeouts cannot be stacked higher than on (1) in overtime.

7.15 Tournament Administration Pause

The tournament administration can pause the game from their station, or from a participant station, when it is required. Communication is only allowed with the tournament administration.

7.16 Tiebreakers

If a number of participants are tied by win-loss difference at the end of a round robin group stage, their ranking order will be decided as described below. When it comes to round scores, every overtime will be considered with the score of 16:15 for the winner. Actual OT scores only matter in the points 11. and 12.

If after any point from 1. to 9. The number of tied participants is reduced or divided into several groups of tied participants, the still tied participants will in each case be compared again starting with the first point.

  1. Points amassed between the tied participants (direct match win > direct match loss)
  2. Map difference between the tied participants (3:2 maps > 3:3 maps)
  3. Number of map wins between the tied participants (3:3 maps > 2:2 maps)
  4. Overall map difference
  5. Overall number of map wins
  6. Round score difference between the tied participants (23:21 > 23:22)
  7. Number of round wins between the tied participants (24:22 > 23:21)
  8. Overall round score difference (39:31 > 40:33)
  9. Overall number of round wins (40:32 > 39:31)

If the above points bring no further differentiation (this can only occur in case of a three-way-tie or five-way-tie), overtimes will be played among the tied teams until no ties remain that are relevant for qualification or seeding. Any other ties will not be resolved by overtimes, but prize money for the shared ranks will be split among the tied teams.

The match order of the overtimes will be determined before the start of the first one. The first match-up is randomly determined. The next match-up will be chosen by the League based on the nature of the tie and the importance of the ranks (e.g., if the tie happens in a group where only the first place matters and the tie is for ranks 1-3, the second match will be the one with the winner of the first match).

Overtimes will be played on the same map, which will be determined by veto. Order of the map veto process is ABCCBA, and the remaining map is played, it gets randomly determined which team is A/B/C. The sides are randomly determined in the first match, after that, each team has to start on the other side first (which determines the rest of the side choices).

None of the OTs can end as a draw, it then gets continued until a winner is determined. The result of a multi-OT match will always be counted as 4:3 for all ranking purposes.

If after any point from 10.-12. the number of tied teams is reduced or split up into different groups of tied teams, the tiebreaker process will be restarted from point 10:

  1. Sort by win-loss difference in the tiebreaker overtimes.
  2. Sort by round score difference in the tiebreaker OTs.
  3. Sort by number of round wins in the tiebreaker OTs.

If there are still unsolved ties, replay the tiebreaker OTs. In special cases, the Tournament Director can rule on a different way to determine the order in an unsolved tie (i.e. coin toss).