League of Legends @ Lan ETS 2025

BYOC Premium


Name Status
DH Quack
ETS Maxing
Les Pingouins de l'espace
Les Volontaires


Table of Contents

  1. General
    • 1.1 General Information
    • 1.2 Definitions
    • 1.3 Schedule
  2. Team
    • 2.1 Team Captain
    • 2.2 Substitute
  3. Tournament
    • 3.1 Tournament Format
    • 3.2 Tournament Procedure
    • 3.3 Technical Issues
  4. Streaming / Spectators
  5. Code of Conduct


1. General

1.1 General Information

  • Each player must join the Discord ([https://discord.gg/T5CpKPVf](https://discord.gg/T5CpKPVf)) and frequently monitor their tournament announcements before and during the tournament.
  • Each player must read, understand, and agree to the ETS Lan Tournament Participation Rules. Players agree and consent to these rules, as well as the authority of Lan ETS to enforce them, as a condition of their participation. Each player is therefore bound by the rules, and any breach of them will result in punitive measures.
  • Each player on the team must have a BYOC ticket.
  • Each player must be physically present at Lan ETS to participate in a tournament.
  • Each player must play with their main account throughout the tournament. No smurfing is allowed.
  • Each team must have an appropriate name. Any team attempting to register for a tournament with a name deemed inappropriate will be asked to create a new team name in order to participate.
  • Each member of the team must be present in the channel assigned to their team name during their matches.
  • The rules are subject to change by the tournament administrators at any time if they deem it necessary.
  • All tournament administrator decisions are final.

1.2 Definitions

  • Tournament Administrator: The person in charge of your tournament. You can find out who your tournament administrators are by looking at the Discord roles.
  • Tournament Platform: The website where you registered to join the tournament. Most often on Toornament.
  • Team: A group of players who participate in the tournament as a unit. If the tournament is played solo, the team or captain refers to the player.
  • Match: A single confrontation between two teams.
  • Series: A contest between two teams over multiple matches. The number of matches depends on the phase of the tournament.
  • Team Captain: The captain is the leader of the team. He must be an example by his behavior on and off the field of play.
  • Substitute: A person who can replace a player in case of an emergency or technical problems.

1.3 Schedule

  • The tournament will run from March 7 to 9, 2025.
  • The team captain and/or team leader must report to the administration table on Friday, March 28 before 10:59 pm EST to confirm their presence. After 11:00 pm EST, registrations will be closed.
  • The tournament will start on Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 9:00 am EST. It is your responsibility to contact the opposing team captain to start your games as soon as possible.
  • Each team is responsible for being aware of their schedule at all times and being ready to play their match on time. If a team is not fully present and ready to play 15 minutes after the scheduled time, a penalty will be automatically applied to the team.
  • The schedule must be respected. Schedule changes are at the discretion of the tournament administrators and will be announced to the players.
  • The Grand Final on stage will start at 11:30 am EST until 2:15 pm EST.

2. Team

2.1 Team Captain

  • Each team must have a designated captain. The captain is the link between the organizers, administrators and his team before, during and after the event.
  • The captain must be a member of the team.
  • The captain must register his team with the tournament administrators on Friday.
  • The captain must report his team's matches to the tournament administrators after each match.
  • The captain must contact the other captains during the tournament to coordinate the next match to be played.
  • The captain must be reachable on Discord at all times during tournament hours.
  • The captain must frequently check the tournament Discord to be aware of any announcements made by the tournament administrators.
  • The captain will be the team spokesperson in case of disputes.

2.2 Substitute

  • Each team is allowed one substitute.
  • The substitute must be added to the team roster before the start of the tournament.
  • A substitute player must also have their own ticket to be allowed to play as a substitute.
  • Players and substitutes can only be on one team during the tournament. Any team with a player registered
  • Players and substitutes can only be on one team during the tournament. Any team with a player registered on more than one team will be disqualified.
  • Players can only be swapped between matches.

3. Tournament

3.1 Tournament Format

  • A Round Robin preliminary phase in best-of-1 (Bo1) will be held to determine the teams that will advance to the playoffs.
  • The teams will then progress to the double elimination bracket phase.
  • Teams that do not reach the next stage will be placed (if they wish) in a consolation bracket.
  • The Grand Final will be played on Sunday, March 9, in a best-of-3 (Bo3) format.

3.2 Tournament Procedure

  • All items, summoner spells, and skins are allowed.
  • Your matches will be displayed on the tournament platform (Toornament).
  • During the preliminary phase, if a team is not fully present in the lobby 15 minutes after the scheduled time, their match will be declared a forfeit. Otherwise, the team with absent players will be disqualified by forfeit.
  • Any match declared forfeit requires visual proof (a screenshot) to confirm that one or more players did indeed arrive late and must be presented immediately to the tournament administrators for confirmation.
  • You can contest the score with the tournament administrators. The procedures and decisions are left to the discretion of the tournament administrators. You must provide evidence using screenshots or replays.
  • Any delay must be immediately reported to a tournament administrator.

3.3 Technical Issues

  • Teams are responsible for resolving connection or hardware problems before or during a match (with or without the help of technicians).
  • For any valid reasons during the game (disconnection, equipment problem, contest, etc.), you must type "/pause" for a maximum duration of 15 minutes. No strategic pauses will be allowed.
  • When resuming the game after a pause, both team captains must confirm in the chat that they are ready to continue.
  • If the 15-minute pause is over, the match must be resumed, regardless of whether the problem has been resolved. If a team refuses to resume play, the opposing team will receive a win by default.
  • If none of the players are able to continue the game due to a server issue, the game must be replayed in its entirety.
  • If there was a disconnect during champion select, you can restart with the same picks and bans that were made.
  • If there is a disconnect before 1:55 in-game and there has been no champion damage or summoner spells used, you can restart the game with the same picks and bans. Before restarting your game, please notify an admin and wait for their confirmation.
  • The tournament administrators reserve the right to ask teams to pause during the match in case of other problems, and the time used to pause will not count for the team to which the pause was requested.
  • The tournament administrators have the right to make the final decision regarding a pause.
  • Any proven false allegation of a problem in order to gain an advantage for a team will result in a penalty.

4. Streaming / Spectators

  • Streaming the match is permitted unless otherwise indicated by the tournament administrator.
  • Spectators within the game are not allowed with the exception of authorized Lan ETS personnel.
  • Official Lan ETS streamers are allowed to attend any match at any time.

5. Code of Conduct

Any behavior considered inappropriate and in violation of the code of conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct, physical or verbal violence towards players, staff, or any participant.
  • Acting in a disruptive or unsportsmanlike manner, or with the intention of disrupting or undermining the legitimate conduct of the tournament, or annoying, abusing, threatening, or harassing any other person.
  • Engaging in collusion, meaning any agreement between two or more teams or players from different teams to predetermine the outcome of a match.
  • Hacking, exploiting, using any type of cheating device and/or cheating programs, or any other similar cheating method.
  • The intentional use of bugs in the game or so-called "hacks" to gain an advantage.
  • Cheating, manipulating game files, using unapproved game modifications, or any other method to gain an unfair advantage over another player.
  • Drugs, alcohol, illegal substances, illegal activities, and gambling are strictly prohibited on site. Players under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or illegal substances may be excluded from the tournament and/or the Lan ETS event.
  • Engaging in acts of violence or any activity deemed immoral, unethical, dishonorable, or contrary to good morals by the tournament administrators.

Any player who violates these rules may be disqualified or sanctioned. Warnings and sanctions may result in immediate disqualification and the removal of the player and their team from the tournament and/or the Lan ETS event. This decision will be made at the discretion of Lan ETS. You can contact the tournament administrator if you witness any inappropriate or suspicious behavior.