Valorant @ Lan ETS 2024

BYOC Premium

2nd Place

$ 2500

1st Place

$ 6000

3rd Place

$ 1500


Name Status
4 Quebs et 1 Arbres
Baby Gangsters
Dalhousie Gold
Dumbledore Army
Durham Lords
Friendly Fire
Garlic Monkey
Here For The Content
Humber Esports
L'Auberge des Streamers - Valo
Les Drones de Combat
Les Frisés
Maple Strike
Penguin Platoon
Small Baguettes
Something Funny
UdeM Valorant Or
water break


Valorant Tournament Rules

SECTION 1 - General Information

Where: 1001 Pl. Jean-Paul-Riopelle, Montreal, QC H2Z 1H5

When: June 28-30, 2024


  • June 28 - 6pm - Check-in Opens
  • June 28 - 11pm - Check-in Closes
  • June 29 - 9am - Tournament Starts

Further information regarding match schedules, brackets, and breaks will be distributed closer to the tournament date.

1.1 Application of the Rules

By participating in the LAN ETS VALORANT tournament, players agree, without reservation, to abide by the rules. Players accept the application of these rules by the organizer. The organization also reserves the right to make decisions on points not covered by the rules or even contrary to them in order to maintain the sporting spirit and fairness of the competition.

1.2 Broadcasting of the Competition

You may, if you wish, broadcast the competition from the platform of your choice. If possible, please display the name of LAN ETS 2024 in your title. Be sure to observe a three (3) minute delay to avoid any stream hacking issues.

1.3 Eligibility

To participate in the LAN ETS VALORANT tournament, the team must:

  1. Be registered for the tournament through the LAN ETS website (<>).
  2. Possess a ticket (BYOC or BYOC Premium) to the event for each team member.
  3. Have completed check-in with tournament organizers BEFORE 11PM ON FRIDAY, JUNE 28. (If the captain or any other team member fails to appear before the specified check-in time, the organization reserves the right not to allow the team to compete).
  4. Have joined the LAN ETS Discord: <>. This must be done no later than June 27, 2024.

Late registrations may be allowed on a case-by-case basis, but at the discretion of the tournament organizers.

Each team must have a minimum of five (5) participating members authorized to play for each match. Failing to provide the minimum number of participating members may result in match loss or tournament disqualification. All members of a roster must have a valid Riot account. This means they must not be banned, chat restricted, or restricted in any way due to toxicity, violation of game rules, or failure to comply with Riot's Code of Conduct.

This competition is not affiliated with or sponsored by RiotGames, Inc. or VALORANT Esports.

SECTION 2 - Match Format

2.1 Map Pool

  • Ascent
  • Bind
  • Icebox
  • Lotus
  • Sunset
  • Haven
  • Split

2.2 Best Of 1 Match

A Best Of 1 match is played in one game. A game consists of two halves of 12 rounds each, and the game ends when one of the teams reaches 13 rounds. The results of the map ban must be submitted in the " #map-ban" channel under the "Valorant" category on the LAN ETS Discord server.

In the context of a Best of 1, the map selection must follow the following procedure:

  • Team B bans one of the 7 maps;
  • Team A bans one of the remaining 6 maps;
  • Team B bans one of the remaining 5 maps;
  • Team A bans one of the remaining 4 maps;
  • Team B bans one of the remaining 3 maps;
  • Team A bans one of the remaining 2 maps;
  • The remaining map is played;
  • Team B chooses the starting side;

2.3 Best Of 3 Match

A Best Of 3 match is played in 2 or 3 games. Each game is played on a map consisting of two halves of 12 rounds each, and the game ends when one of the teams reaches 13 rounds. The results of the map ban must be submitted in the " #map-ban" channel under the "Valorant" category on the LAN ETS Discord server.

In the context of a Best of 3, the map selection must follow the following procedure:

  • Team B bans one of the 7 maps;
  • Team A bans one of the remaining 6 maps;
  • Team A selects one of the remaining 5 maps. This will be the first map played;
  • Team B chooses the side;
  • Team B selects one of the remaining 4 maps. This will be the second map played;
  • Team A chooses the side;
  • Team B bans one of the remaining 3 maps;
  • Team A bans one of the remaining 2 maps;
  • The remaining map is played;
  • Team B chooses the side;

The winner of a match is the first team to win two games.

Team A will by default be the higher team in the tournament bracket.

2.4 Overtime

The match is played on a map consisting of two halves of 12 rounds each, and the game ends when one of the teams reaches 13 rounds. In the event of a tie at the end of the match, overtime will be played.

2.5 Agents

All active agents are allowed.

Section 3 - Tournament Procedures

3.1 Arrival Times

All teams must confirm their registrations (check-in) on site before 11pm on June 28, 2024, and the tournament will start on June 29.

The tournament start time will be announced on the LAN ETS official Discord, as well as available on the Toornament platform shortly before the tournament begins.


3.2 Punctuality

Each team must be ready at least 15 minutes before the start time. Delaying the match for any reason is not allowed. In case of any issues or disputes, it is important to contact the administrators of LAN ETS as soon as possible.

3.3 Reporting Scores

After the end of a match, the score must be reported by the winning team to the tournament organizers using a screenshot of the scoreboard, which must be posted in the " #results" channel under the "Valorant" category on the LAN ETS Discord server. In case of a dispute regarding the score or outcome of a match, the tournament organizers must be consulted immediately.

3.4 Technical Issues

Each team will have a five (5) minute pause time on each map to deal with technical delays or disconnections. Teams will only be allowed to pause during the buy phase of a match. A pause at any other time or for any reason deemed unreasonable by the tournament organizers may result in automatic loss of the match or map. Any technical issues must be reported to the tournament organizers, and in case of a power outage or any other technical issue, the tournament organizers reserve the right to handle the issue as they see fit. Both teams may agree to restart a map before the start of the first round if the latency of the selected server is unreasonable.

Section 4 - Match Procedures

4.1 Pre-Match

The organizer will try as much as possible to give teams a chance to warm up before each match, but due to time constraints, they may not guarantee a specific minimum time. Players must be present ten (10) minutes

## Tournament Rules Translation

Section 4 - Team Composition and Rules

4.2 Team Captain

Before the start of the first match, each team must present their team captain to the tournament officials. It can be one of the 5 team members, the manager or the team coach. The team captain must remain the same person throughout the tournament. The team captain is the person responsible for their team with the tournament officials. They must deal with map selection, official complaints, or any other problems with the tournament officials. The team captain must be on the competition discord for the entire duration of the competition.

4.3 Coach

Teams can use a coach during tournaments. This coach must be attached to the team in the same way as a player, must be presented to the tournament officials before the start of the event, and must remain the same throughout the tournament.

4.4 Substitute

Teams can use a substitute, this player must be announced to the officials before the start of the tournament.

4.5 Technical Break

If a match is involuntarily interrupted (server crash, network disconnection, ...), the tournament officials may decide to restart the match. If one of the players crashes or is disconnected, they must come back online as soon as possible. Teams can pause the game at the end of the current round to allow the player to connect. Excessive use of the technical break is prohibited. It is the responsibility of each team to ensure that they have the ability to pause the match before the start of the match.

4.6 Tactical Break

Each team can request a maximum of one timeout per half during each map played during the match. This timeout cannot exceed a period of 2 minutes. The timeout must be requested from the official tournament referees and starts at the end of the current round.

4.7 Stopping the current match

Players are not allowed to leave an official match in progress unless they are authorized to do so by the match format or have been expressly authorized by a tournament official. If a team or player leaves a match before its end, the remaining rounds to be played will be given to the opposing team.

4.8 Re-hosting

In case of a server crash or mass disconnection at the beginning during the first minute of the round, an administrator may decide to re-host the match. A re-host can only be initiated by an administrator.

4.9 Disconnections

If a player disconnects, the player's team must continue the match at their disadvantage.

4.10 Surrender

A team may choose to surrender a round, which will result in a point for their opponent.

Section 5 - Hosting and Settings

5.1 Hosting the game

The team at the top of the tree (A) hosts the game.

5.2 Spectators

Official broadcasters, administrators and people authorized by an administrator have the right to attend the rounds without the consent of the teams. Other people are not allowed inside the room.

5.3 Hosting settings

Allow Cheats - OFF Tournament Mode - ON Overtime: Win by Two - ON Play Out All Rounds - OFF Hide Match History - OFF

5.4 Coach in the lobby

Coaches are not allowed to join their team's coach box. However, they can be present on site to help their team. Communication between coaches and their team is only allowed during timeouts.

Section 6 - Rules Violations

6.1 Disqualification

After review of a rules violation by the competition director and the tournament director, a team that has received a sanction may also suffer several automatic defeats, team disqualification, team expulsion and ban from future competitions.

6.2 Prohibited behaviors and sanctions

A team may be reprimanded and receive a warning if one of its players commits one of the following offenses:

  • Refusing to follow the instructions of a tournament official;
  • Arriving late at the scheduled time;
  • Challenging the decision of a tournament official;
  • Using insulting language or gestures;
  • Being guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct;
  • Receiving more than one warning;
  • Being guilty of violent acts;
  • Cheating or using an unfair method;
  • Lying or misleading a tournament official;
  • Violating the rules of this regulation;

A team receiving a sanction automatically loses the round in progress, or the next one if it does not play.

6.3 Prohibited game actions

VALORANT has a few bugs, exploits and issues, most of which are being fixed. Most of these exploits involve certain agents and abilities and while all agents are available, KNOWN exploits and issues will be banned. Generally, any ability that is invisible, invulnerable, silent (when it should make noise) or glitch in or off the map is considered an exploit even if it is not currently known. If there is evidence that a player is abusing an exploit, there will be a warning and possible disqualification depending on the severity. If the same team abuses another exploit after receiving a warning, they will be immediately disqualified.

Here are two clarifications regarding bug-exploit:

  • Boosting, in any form, is strictly prohibited.
  • Bugs such as an Omen glitch TP, an indestructible KJ molly, an indestructible Cypher cam, or a Gecko flash to open a TP from the opposite side are also not allowed.

These are just a few examples, but if an offense occurs during a match, it is important to pause the match with the round, take a clip (if possible) and report it to the tournament administrator immediately.

6.4 Complaints

Challenges relating to any other type of rule violation by another player can only be reported with a replay of the action. The challenge must include a specific timestamp of when the violation occurred, as well as the name of the player who committed the violation and a clear description of what happened. Challenges without a replay file or without information such as a timestamp and description will be rejected.

6.5 Punishments for teams

Breaking the rules or ignoring an administrator's order can result in a sanction for the entire team or a specific player. The type and level are chosen by an administrator.

6.6 Possible sanctions

Possible sanctions include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Forfeit of a round
  • Loss of the match
  • Disqualification from the tournament