The biggest
Lan Party
in Canada
An unforgettable
gaming experience
March 7 - 9 2025

At École de technologie supérieure

Esports | Tournaments | Activities

Want to help and be part of the team? Register as a volunteer!

Open volunteer positions in tech support, animation, entrance, patrol and others Register here

Want to help and be part of the team? Register as a volunteer!

Open volunteer positions in tech support, animation, entrance, patrol and others Register here


From button smasher to elite strategist, either you fight with a gun or your fists,
only the bests will raise as victors



Stunts, Cosplay, Scavenger Hunts and many more!



Your favorites brands, shops and game studios


Join our community on Discord

The best place to get our team support, to get the latest news, to find a team for a tournament or to meet new players